Great Glen Canoe Trail Partnership

The Great Glen Canoe Trail partnership is an informally constituted group representing the major public agencies involved in the Great Glen Canoe Trail project :

Each of the four funding organisations have a representitive on the project group along with the Scottish Canoe Association. Highlands & Islands Partnership Programme administed the regional funding of the European Regional Development Fund.

  • Scottish Canals
  • The Highland Council
  • Scottish Natural Heritage
  • Forestry Commission Scotland
  • Scottish Canoe Association
  • Highlands & Islands Partnership Programme

The partnership group meet at least twice a year to discuss the progress of the Trail, and its onging maintenance and development.

Trail Map

Trail Guide Map

map of scotland showing the trail

60 miles in 5 days

It is an epic 60 mile (95km) journey crossing Scotland in 5 days and conquering the formidable open waters of Loch Lochy and Loch Ness, a challenge in itself.

From South to North

It is normally easier to paddle the Trail from Fort William in the west to Inverness in the east with the prevailing wind behind you.

Download the map